Bitxor Protocol

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What is Control-Stake?

Control-Stake is the decentralized consensus mechanism, whose objective is to protect the Bitxor Community from attack or manipulation by large financial groups (whales).

How does it work?

Of every block mined, 2% is allocated to a reserve fund, which is housed in public, storage-capped, multi-signature wallets within the Bitxor Blockchain.

This growing capital resource is intended to help the Bitxor Ecosystem as a backup and future financial support.

This transparent, informed and permanent process will be kept in control by the Bitxor Core under the surveillance of the Super Voting Nodes.

However, it will always be up to the CosmoCommunity in consensus, that its operation is maintained within the Blockchain.


This capital fund can give way to future investments: assets, commercially backed cryptocurrencies or even fiat liquidity systems, seeking capital diversification and thus providing stability to the entire bitxornauts community.

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